Meet our partners in improving educational outcomes

We’re here to empower change.

For educational leaders, students and the flow on effect through their communities and future generations.

Every young person in Australia has the right to an excellent education that allows them to thrive in life, work and community.

We are grateful to our university, not-for-profit, business and government collaborators.

Each one is dedicated to improving educational outcomes through convened networking leadership opportunities in The Connection.

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I had retired and established a family foundation. We were in the early stages of exploring how to support students in low socio-economic schools, when I was introduced to The Connection and Sue Cridge. The Connection has made me far more cognisant of the importance of finding good leaders when introducing new programs like music and entrepreneurship in schools. My hope is that when we overcome inequity challenges, all children would be enjoying the opportunity to live purposeful lives and our nation would flourish.
Partner Funder


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