The Connection digital collaboration platform for Connection schools centralises information relevant to school leaders involved with The Connection, making it easier for leaders in the network to share expertise, collaborate, communicate, and problem-solve across borders.
Since its creation in 2021, the platform has improved how The Connection convenes and curates’ powerful opportunities for shared collaboration, including increasing participant inclusion across jurisdictions, providing inclusion for regional, rural, and remote communities, and assisting those with stretched/limited resources.
The platform objectives for all Connection schools are to:
- build efficiencies by centralising information,
- make opportunities readily accessible regardless of geographical location,
- encourage broader school leader engagement by linking and sharing information,
- enable greater connection across state and territory jurisdictions within high need communities,
- demonstrate the high levels of leadership and improved student outcomes achieved by Connection schools, and
- act as an effective mechanism and provide opportunity for collaboration in problem solving and sharing of expertise.